Image-Guided Superficial Radiation Therapy (IG-SRT)

Under the direc­tion of Dr. Todd Rozy­c­ki and his team at Day Road Plaza Der­ma­tol­ogy proud­ly offers the gold-stan­­dard, non-sur­gi­­cal treat­ment for non­melanoma skin cancer.

If you sus­pect that you have skin can­cer or have recent­ly been diag­nosed and were told you need treat­ment, sched­ule an appoint­ment with us today. We offer Gen­tle­Cure (Image-Guid­ed SRT)the surgery-free, gold-stan­dard treat­ment for skin can­cer. On your first vis­it, we will review your pathol­o­gy report, dis­cuss your treat­ment goals, and work with you to deter­mine the treat­ment option that best meets your needs.

Gen­tle­Cure is a gen­tle, surgery-free treat­ment that is safe and has a 99%+ cure rate in
basal and squa­mous cell skin can­cers. Treat­ment is done right in the der­ma­tol­ogy office
over the course of a few weeks using an advanced Image-Guid­ed SRT machine. It is
the only skin can­cer treat­ment with ultra-sound imag­ing that lets you see the
can­cer on the screen and review the progress made through­out the course of treat­ment
until there are no vis­i­ble signs of can­cer.

See what to expect with treatment

Gen­tle­Cure (Image-Guid­ed SRT) is designed to treat skin can­cer with­out the dis­com­fort
and cos­met­ic issues often asso­ci­at­ed with surgery. There is no cut­ting, sur­gi­cal
scar­ring, or need for recon­struc­tive surgery, and you can main­tain your nor­mal dai­ly
activities through­out treatment.

  • At each treat­ment ses­sion, you will sit in a chair and ultra­sound gel will be
    applied to the site of the can­cer. Using an imag­ing wand, we will look at a
    detailed image of your can­cer on screen. You can see the image your­self from
    the com­fort of the chair. We will use that image to mea­sure the size and shape of
    the tumor, cal­cu­late the pre­cise dose of treat­ment, and define the treat­ment area.
  • Once the imag­ing is com­plete, the arm of the device will be placed over the
    treat­ment site and the exact dose of X-ray ener­gy will be used to treat the can­cer
    site with­out harm­ing the healthy tis­sue around it.
  • Each treat­ment ses­sion takes about 15 min­utes from the time you walk in the
    door to when you leave the office. You will come back sev­er­al times a week for
    short treat­ment ses­sions, and in 4-to-7 weeks, treat­ment will be complete.

More than 66,000 patients have been suc­cess­ful­ly treat­ed with GentleCure(Image-Guided SRT)

Patients report being sat­is­fied with Gen­tle­Cure (Image-Guid­ed SRT). In a sur­vey of
more than 12,000 patients who com­plet­ed treat­ment, 99.9% report­ed being hap­py with
their treat­ment deci­sion and said they would rec­om­mend Gen­tle­Cure (Image-Guid­ed
SRT) to oth­ers. Vis­it Gen​tle​Cure​.com/​p​a​t​i​e​n​t​s​t​ories to hear from some of them.

Why we chose to offer Gen­tle­Cure (Image-Guid­ed SRT)

There are sev­er­al dif­fer­ent radi­a­tion-based treat­ments avail­able for skin can­cer. But the
safe­ty, cure rates, and cos­met­ic out­comes vary based on the treat­ment tech­nol­o­gy and
clin­i­cal pro­to­cols used. We chose Gen­tle­Cure (Image-Guid­ed SRT) because it is the
only skin can­cer treat­ment with advanced imag­ing that lets us see and mea­sure the
can­cer and adapt the dose to pre­cise­ly what you need at each stage of treat­ment. It has
also been shown to be the safest and most effec­tive of all radi­a­tion-based treat­ments
for skin can­cer with supe­ri­or cos­met­ic results.

If you are con­sid­er­ing radi­a­tion ther­a­py to treat your skin can­cer, make sure you are
get­ting Gen­tle­Cure (Image-Guid­ed SRT) with adap­tive radio­ther­a­py pro­to­cols. It’s the
safe, effec­tive, and gen­tle way to treat skin can­cer using the most advance treat­ment
tech­nol­o­gy avail­able today.

Treat­ment results – See­ing is believing!

No two cas­es of skin can­cer are the same, so treat­ment results may vary from patient to
patient. But the pic­tures below are typ­i­cal of the results seen by patients who have
received Gen­tle­Cure (Image-Guid­ed SRT).


BEFORE TREAT­MENT: Patient with basal cell skin can­cer on the top of the ear before
treat­ment with Gen­tle­Cure (Image Guid­ed SRT). You can see the can­cer on the skin.
The ultra­sound image clear­ly defines the skin can­cer under the skin, indi­cat­ing the full
depth, width, and breadth of the cancer.


DUR­ING TREAT­MENT: About half way through treat­ment with Gen­tle­Cure (Image-
Guid­ed SRT), you can see the can­cer reduc­ing in size on the out­side of the skin. The
ultra­sound image shows that the can­cer under the skin has also been reduced.

2‑Week Fol­low-Up

AFTER TREAT­MENT: At the two-week fol­low-up vis­it after treat­ment was com­plet­ed,
the out­side of the ear shows no signs of can­cer. The ultra­sound image shows that
Gen­tle­Cure (Image-Guid­ed SRT) con­tin­ued to elim­i­nate the can­cer. At the 30-week
fol­low-up appoint­ment, the ultra­sound image showed no signs of cancer.

Gen­tle­Cure (Image-Guid­ed SRT) is cov­ered by Medicare and most health­in­sur­ance plans

With most insur­ance plans, you may have to pay some out-of-pock­et cost. That cost will depend on your spe­cif­ic health plan cov­er­age and co-pay pol­i­cy. Before you com­mit to a treat­ment option, we will work with your insur­ance plan to deter­mine the poten­tial cost to you, so you can make an informed treat­ment deci­sion. If you are wor­ried about afford­ing treat­ment, let us know and we can dis­cuss our finan­cial assis­tance options.

Side effects and cos­met­ic results

When X‑ray ener­gy is used to kill can­cer cells, your body will replace the dead can­cer
cells with healthy tis­sue over time. There is no sur­gi­cal scar­ring and no need for
recon­struc­tive surgery. There is, how­ev­er, a small risk of skin atro­phy (thin­ning of the
skin) and pig­ment changes (changes in the col­or of the skin) at the treat­ment site. Oth­er
poten­tial side effects may include skin inflam­ma­tion with red­ness and swelling at the
treat­ment site. Top­i­cal creams or oint­ments can be used over the course of treat­ment to
min­i­mize these side effects, and the side effects usu­al­ly go away 2‑to 6‑weeks after
treat­ment is com­plete. There is also a risk of alope­cia (hair loss) in the treat­ed area

In the 7 years that patients have been receiv­ing Gen­tle­Cure (Image-Guid­ed SRT), there
have been NO report­ed cas­es of sec­ondary skin can­cers occurring as a result of

Dr. Todd Rozy­c­ki, MD will help you select the treat­ment option that is right for you. If you
choose Gen­tle­Cure (Image-Guid­ed SRT) as your treat­ment of choice, Dr. Rozy­c­ki
will work with your care team to devel­op a treat­ment plan spe­cif­ic to you. Over the
course of treat­ment, Dr. Rozy­c­ki will play an active role in your care, over­see­ing
your treat­ment reg­i­men, meet­ing with you peri­od­i­cal­ly to assess your treat­ment
progress, and help­ing you to man­age any side effects.

Dr. Rozy­c­ki is a Board-Cer­ti­fied Mohs Sur­geon and Der­ma­tol­o­gist, rec­og­nized by the Image-Guid­ed Super­fi­cial Radio­ther­a­py Acad­e­my as a Skin­Cure mas­ter user of the advanced Sen­sus Health­care SRT-100 Vision system.

When it comes to skin can­cer, you deserve options. We are here to help.

Call to sched­ule a con­sul­ta­tion today, 574.204.7200.

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